On Friday, November 18, we made a small planting action of cherry trees and fruit bushes in the orchard behind the “Tudor Arghezi – Mărțișor” Memorial House museum managed by the National Museum of Romanian Literature.
We’ve all seen what the #HistoricDrought means as an effect of climate change and how hard it is to make a hole in the “cemented” soil to properly plant a seedling.
The children understood how easily we can cut down a tree in a few seconds, but how difficult it is to plant a sapling and that it needs decades to become an adult.
1 adult tree of at least 20-30 years that we take care of gives us:
fixes the soil and enriches it with nutrients,
ensures the water cycle in nature and regulates rainfall,
it is home to the biodiversity on which the human species depends,
it gives us shade, a state of well-being through beauty.
After 2 hours of intense work, we enjoyed a delicious pumpkin pie.
We made plans to see each other again in the spring in the Mărțişor Community Orchard. Until then, we will walk more or with non-polluting means , we will consume less, we will produce less waste, for a healthy environment!
We would like to thank the students, volunteers, the team of children and educators from Grădinița Răsărit and the partners of the Școala din Livadă – lucrăm cu Natura!:
The National Museum of Romanian Literature
Auchan Retail Romania
Faculty of Horticulture Bucharest