
The project called The Management of Integration in the Work Field has been implemented in Romania by CDD during the years 2012 – 2014, together with other transnational partners:  Promoción Educativa Sociedad Cooperativa (Spain, project coordinator), BIDA eV. „Kultur und Bildung” (Germany) and E Mobil Press (Italy). It is part of the program called „Learning Throughout Life”, Grundtvig Sectorial Program Partnerships for Learning and it followed the improving of managerial competences for those who offer adult education and who work with groups at risk of social exclusion, facilitating their integration in the work field.

Throughout the project we have selected and presented examples of good practices of education for adults in different disadvantaged groups: women that were victims of violence, migrants, youngsters from foster homes, youngsters with disabilities, unemployed etc. We’ve created a format of criteria based on which we’ve analysed the set of good practices from each country, and, in the end, we did a global analysis of all of the examples presented, in order to identify similarities and differences transnational-wise.

The outcome of this project consists in putting together The Manual of Education for the Integration of Disadvantaged People in the Work Field, which can be accessed here:


We invite you to consult this material if you are interested in educating adults from disadvantaged groups and:

  • You are interested in the eficient integration of those in the workfield
  • You wish to improve the managerial competences and the educational practices of adults by learning good practices
  • You are interested in the process of educating adults from disadvantaged groups in the work field.

The NGOs that were part of the National Labour Group and helped in the romanian activities are: Asociaţia A.F.I. – PROFAMILIA, ARCA – Forumul Român pentru Refugiaţi şi Migranţi, Asociaţia de Ajutor Caritabil AMURT, Asociaţia de Ajutor AMURTEL România, Asociaţia MAIA, Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent, Centrul Educaţia 2000+ and Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Democratică.

You can find more information on the program, here:




For an overview of the manual, the spanish partener has come up with a global synthesis of the compared analysis from each country (Germany, Italy, Spain and Romania) in which it drew out the similarities and differences for the good practices in all 4 countries.


This synthesis has been translated in all of the languages of the project, including romanian, and can be accessed here:


or here:



We wish to thank everyone for their contributions to the final results of the project, for the wonderful collaboration that we’ve had together, for the warm professional environment in which we’ve worked, and finally for everyone’s motivation to finding solutions of integration for the disadvantaged people.