New school year, fresh energy! The children are back!


This month, the children returned to the Fountain of Hope – and as last year, again  in high numbers!

This year there are 62 children enrolled so far and looking forward to an exciting program as already two volunteers, Nuno from Portugal and Jone from Spain have arrived to lead activities designed to help the children tame their energies in productive ways.

 The project is named “Whispering to wild horses – using holistic non-formal education to help children gain greater self control and awaken empathy”. 


It will be a big challenge but a fulfilling one – and many activities lie ahead – creating sports teams, summer camps, stimulating volunteer spirit.

We need just a few more regular sponsors to help the Fountain of Hope sustain the free hot meals to the higher number of children (for some years we had only 22 children so numbers have tripled in recent years).

The local government has still not been able to offer stable funding – so we are really depending on your contributions!  Donating online is quick and easy – and can be set up so that a small regular amount is automatically deducted from your paypal account or credit card.

For less than a dollar per day – you have the satisfaction of knowing that these children are getting support to break the cycles of rural poverty.

The Fountain of Hope helps not only keep children in school – but gives them skills in communication,  active participation, enhances their creativity and builds their self-esteem. Make a difference!


Click here to donate.