Meet Santa and the Children of Familia AMURTEL

You are invited for a special family holiday treat!

We invite you for a special ‘Play Day’ event in Bucharest, to be part of the excitement of bringing Santa Claus to the children of Familia AMURTEL residential home.


Saturday, December 15th at 10:00am


Gradinita Rasarit kindergarten, strada Foisorului 121


The Play Day evenets offer an opportunity for you to know the children and interact with them on their level – by playing together! This special Christmas Play Day is taking place in Bucharest and we will sing Christmas Carols together, make ornaments and other crafts, and meet Santa Claus! We welcome children of all ages!

Cu aceasta ocazie relaxanta si amuzanta, poti sa observi viata copiilor. Toate activitatile sunt destinate intregii familii, asa ca sunteti bineveniti alaturi de proprii copii.


10:00 Arrival of guests
10:30 Welcome circle with Christmas Carols
11:00 Craft workshops – you will have the chance to make Christmas decorations together with the children
11:45 Santa Claus coming with surprises!
12:30 Traditional Holiday Meal (sarmale cabbage rolls with mamaliga polenta and sour cream amongst other delicious foods)
13:30 How can I get involved more?

Limited spaces – pre-registration is obligatory

We want to create a cozy family atmosphere without overwhelming the children so numbers are limited.

We request email or telephone confirmation at +40 744565252 by December 11th latest.

Suggested Donation:

50 euros