Our kindergartens in Bucharest have been practicing “inclusive education” since their inception 16 years ago – not only integrating special needs children within a the kindergarten setting, but also giving special attention to adapting the program itself to be accessible and welcoming for all. Neohumanist Education looks for opportunities to celebrate diversity and to adapt the program to respond to specific needs of individual children.
This year, both kindergartens dedicated several weeks to the theme of diversity with the annual“Many faces, one heart” program. Human differences, ranging from skin color, to ethnic minorities, to different abilities were discussed in a variety of creative ways and reflected in the story telling, crafts, paintings and activities during that period.
One of the highlights was welcoming a very special guest to the kindergarten, Marius. It was not the first time Marius had been to our kindergartens – in fact, he was among the first children with special needs to attend many years ago. Now he is a very positive, optimistic, sunny and inspiring 19 year old young man! He was delighted to revisit the kindergarten and enthusiastically participated in the program – helping the children make fruit salad and lemon cake, giving them rides on his wheelchair, sharing songs, games and memories from his kindergarten days and answering their questions. The children absolutely loved him and they were very excited to play with him.
The Rasarit kindergartens have found this approach of creating opportunities for the children to get to know people who are different in a friendly and natural context, as a very effective method of breaking down and preventing the formation of barriers that arise due to lack of personal contact with diversity. We create a safe atmosphere for them to ask questions and find out that indeed – even if someone looks different -they are actually a lot like me!
We have also been very happy to welcome two new children to our kindergartens with social disadvantages. AMURTEL recently signed a partnership with Department of Social Services to receive social beneficiaries free of charge – counting on the generosity of our supporters to help us cover the costs. Both little girls have young single mothers that are staying in a special residential shelter where they receive help integrating into the work force and taking care of their children. The girls are integrating well into the program and learning lots! We also have another child that has been attending for free for the past 2 years, as she also comes from a disadvantaged single parent family. Her mother volunteers in the kindergarten and has been very active and involved.
Please consider donating to help us include these children in the kindergarten. AMURTEL has to raise approximately 50 euros per month per child to cover the extra costs to keep them in the program. There are three more months left of school for this school year – so that would come to approximately 150 euros per child.
All donations are welcome and can be made in a few clicks online: