Let’s bring Santa to the children of AMURTEL!


Last year, thanks to generous donations of sponsors we were able to create a memorable and magical Christmas for all of the children in our AMURTEL projects in Panatau and we hope that you will decide to join in helping us this year to make it equally special!  Last year, on Christmas morning,  Alex, the littlest one, was of course also the very first one to run into the living room and discover a pile of presents under the tree!  He stood in astonishment for a few minutes, just absorbing the delightful shock before his shouts of glee brought the other children rushing in.

Your donation will help us to individualize each gift according to the child’s interests and wishes. It is quite a challenge to provide clothes, games and toys to our family of 6 small children and 9 youth. In addition, we give a gift to each of the 30 children from Fountain of Hope and some other very poor children in the village. It adds up quickly, so we can’t do it alone!

Consider clicking on “make this a monthly donation”  so that your gift keeps giving throughout the year!  As a monthly sponsor of Familia AMURTEL, you will receive updates and have the chance to be part of seeing an individual child grow and flourish.  Find out more or write to us with questions.