Grundtvig mobility to Valladolid Spain

Grundtvig project “Management of workforce integration” 

Mobility to Valladolid (Spain), September 2013

Bucharest: The Association “Center for Democratic Development” organized a Work Group mobility to Valladolid, Spain which took place in the period 26-29 September 2013, during the project ” ce s-a desfăşurat în perioada 26 – 29 septembrie 2013 în cadrul proiectului „“Management of workforce integration” . The project is implemented by CDD (Romania) alongside other partners including: Promoción Educativa Sociedad Cooperativa (Spain, coordonator of the project), BIDA e.V. „Kultur und Bildung” (Germany) and E Mobil Press (Italy).

The transnational meeting in spain, organized by the spanish partner followed an international exchange of good practices in the training of adults – which each local workgroup had identified in their own country.  The purpose was to be able to offer more efficient adult education for disadvantaged groups in order to better integrate them into the workforce.

The Romanian workgroup, coordinated by CDD collected and analyzed good practices of its members- the representatives of NGO’s active in the projects focus area.:: Asociaţia A.F.I. – PROFAMILIA, ARCA – Forumul Român pentru Refugiaţi şi Migranţi, Asociaţia de Ajutor Caritabil AMURT, Asociaţia de Ajutor AMURTEL România, Asociaţia MAIA, Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent, Centrul Educaţia 2000+ and selected the following projects to be presented in the meeting at alladolid:

  • “AMURTEL Social Garden”, project of   AMURTEL România (target group: young people from the residential center);
  • “Integration of refugees in Romania” project of ARCA association. (target group : refugees)
  • “An Integrated Intervention to Consolidate Social Entrepreneurship for vulnerable women ” Project of  A.F.I. PROFAMILIA (target group: women victims of violence)
  • “Partenership for education. Grants for schools in difficulty” Project o the Center for Education 2000+ (target group – youth and children at risk of early school leaving)
  • „Program of training young Roma journalists” Project of the Center for Independent Journalism (target group: young roma people)

During the mobility to  Valladolid, the participants had the opportunity to know the working methods of other organizations within the partner countries active in the field of adult education and to discuss how they work to encourage the integration of vulnerable groups, to gain new intercultural competencies and to create the basis for future collaborations.

The partners plan to incorporate the good practices presented during the program into a manual “Manual of Education for integration of vulnerable groups in the labour market”

For more information:

The project „Management of workforce integration” took place in

the period 20012-2014 within the Program “Life Long Learning program”, Gruntvig sectorial partnerships for learning and has the aim to improve the management capacities for those offering adult education and which work with people at risk of social exclusion by facilitating their integration in the labour market.

The project received the financial support of the Grundtvig Sectorial Program of “Life Long Learning” and was financed by the European Commission.