There is excitement in the air at AMURTEL Family, as the winter holidays approach, with two new girls soon to arrive and join our family. The most important and priceless gift you can give them is to finally have the safety, love and protection they need to grow up strong and healthy. You will be giving them a chance to reconstruct their childhood with joyful experiences, loving relationships and sweet memories.
Who will it be? The biggest surprise of the season
The Child Protection Authorities are still deciding which children to place in our care, so we are all waiting expectantly to find out more. It will be the biggest surprise gift of the season.
Let’s make them feel welcome and secure!
The children usually only come with a small backpack, so they will need clothes, shoes, school supplies and many things to feel comfortable and integrate into their new home.
Imagine the joy of finding gifts from Santa under the tree!
Finding beautifully wrapped presents under the tree that fulfill simple wishes is always an amazing and memorable experience for our new arrivals. You can be part of this exciting, transformative moment, as they come out of a situation of neglect and abuse into a warm, magical, and amazing holiday experience they will surely remember fondly.
Your gift – stability, safety, fresh hopes
You can give a gift towards equipping them to have everything they need as they enter our family. Even more meaningfully, when you make a regular monthly gift, you will be offering long term stability and even have the chance to develop a personal relationship that will be a source of strength for them. Each of the children in our home have several “distance adoption” sponsors all over the world. Knowing that they have many people that care about them and are cheering their accomplishments and wishing them well is very healing for a child that has suffered from neglect.