For our ex-pat friends, living in Romania – consider buying a special gift for your friends, family or co-workers and support our work with children at the same time
1) Small Holiday gift: 35 RON
- gift bag
- 1 jar of Didi’s Mandarine Marmalade with 100% organic fruits!
- 1 Morningstar “Herbal Bliss” tea
- 1 AMURTEL 2018 calendar
- a handpainted wooden Christmas ornament made by the children of the Fountain of Hope after school center
2) Medium Gift Basket with Cozonac: 90 RON (in a straw basket)
- straw basket, wrapped with decorative bows, cellophane etc
- 1 jar of Didi’s Mandarine Marmalade with 100% organic fruits!
- 1 cozonac (sweet bread with walnuts and cacao)
- 1 package whole wheat crackers with seeds
- 1 Morningstar “Herbal Bliss” tea
- 1 Bio Garden herbal tea
- 1 AMURTEL 2018 calendar
- a handpainted wooden Christmas ornament made by the children of the Fountain of Hope after school center
3) Large Personalized Gift Basket: 150 RON (in a straw basket)
- straw basket, wrapped with decorative bows, cellophane etc
- 1 cozonac (optional)
- 1 jars of Didi’s Mandarine Marmalade with 100% organic fruits!
- 1 jar of Sultanina Dulceata made with raisins, oranges and walnuts – no added sugar
- 1 box with bio kale chips
- 1 whole wheat crackers with seeds
- 1 package of homemade walnut shortbread cookies
- 1 Morningstar “Herbal Bliss” tea
- 1 Bio Garden herbal tea
- 1 AMURTEL 2018 calendar
- a handpainted wooden Christmas ornament made by the children of the Fountain of Hope after school center