Bring Immediate Relief to Earthquake Victims in Turkey

You can bring immediate psychological relief to victims of the devastating earthquake in Turkey that has left 300,000 facing the traumas of losing loved ones, recovering from the physical and mental trauma of being trapped under rubble, the chaotic shock of losing their homes and belongings.

AMURTEL Romania has mobilized a Rapid Response Team that is leaving to Turkey as I write this. This weekend our Emergency Psychologist, Melinda who has been building the capacity of specialists in Ukraine to deal with the traumatic stress of war, will be training up local partners from the Turkish Ministry of Health UMKE in psychological first aid. We are also exploring a connection to a network of 450 ecological educators for potentially developing projects for children.

Your contributions will allow psychological first aid training to get off the ground right away, and support our team as we assess the most urgent gaps where we can make the most impact. We will be sending updates on this fast-developing situation as things begin to get clearer.

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