A unique opportunity!
The Advanced Permaculture Design Workshop will be led by Steve Hart (a senior and highly experienced permaculture designer from New Zealand) and Rakesh – who has already held several Permaculture Design Courses in Romania, including at the AMURTEL farm in March 2013. Half of the course will be spent making a professional design of AMURTEL’s CSA (Community-supported agriculture) farm in Poieni, and the remainder will be spent teaching advanced permaculture design skills as well as doing some hands on practicals. It will also be supported by Martina Petru.
The advanced skills will include making and presenting professional designs, understanding and working with local legislations, etc. The course will be a chance for people who have already done a course to work with professional designers as we make a real design.
The course will be evenly divided between:
- Making a professional Design project of AMURTEL’s CSA (Community-supported agriculture) farm in Poieni;
- Teaching advanced permaculture design tools, strategies and presentation skills;
- Hands on practicals